Ability to use multiple instances of a specific blueprint in a section of a Kaizen form

8 votes

The recent inclusion of the ability to differently 'relabel' blueprints according to the context of their application definitely facilitates reuse. However, a great addition to this would be to be able to use (and appropriately label) a blueprint multiple times within a single form. This would greatly enhance and simplify the creation of marking rubrics that use a standard scale for scoring the various elements. I appreciate that this would require some reworking of the method for selecting and linking blueprints to goals and report (ie there would need to be some way of differentiating between instances of the same blueprint) but feel that the benefits would outweigh the downsides in this case.

Gathering Interest risr/advance Suggested by: Terry Judd Upvoted: 27 Mar, '23 Comments: 1

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