Report at Goal Target level, ability to combine goal event type name, goal title and goal target

3 votes

Currently we are able to report goal related information via:
1. Reporting on event data - this report will show goal information from the event type details, which is more of an event or overview
2. Reporting on goal data - this report only allow you to report on goal title as you can see from the snapshot below. The goal event itself allow multi layer, which are the event type name, the goal title and the goal target that translate to the achievement progress.

The goal event type name can be reported via event data report, while the goal title can only be reported if we use goal data.

For an exam goal event where semester 1 may have 4 exam requirements, we are not able to report the the separate criteria in one report. we are not able to identify which of the 4 exam that has the most fail or low score. Which means, we are not able to identify particular subject or program that needs to be improved or changed.

Gathering Interest risr/advance Suggested by: Stef Upvoted: 19 Nov, '23 Comments: 0

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