Enable report filter using relation hierarchy type to the selected option, not parent level related

5 votes

Currently, relation hierarchical type field used to narrow down a report result will include parent level in the search. For example, we have a site relation for state and local hospitals:
1. Australia
1.a. NSW
1.a.i. Prince of Wales Hospital
1.a.ii. Sydney Day Hospital

If we use relation filter Prince of Wales Hospital, the report will also include Prince of Wales Hospital as we are using NSW as the network record.

This parent level related search makes the report useless, especially when the report also list all the related parent level selection in the output.

This has to change to make a meaningful report, which is able to produce only the selected relation dropdown option, not the parent level. I also assume that if this is fixed, the output of the hierarchical relation will only show the selected option, not the related parent level information.

Gathering Interest risr/advance Suggested by: Stef Upvoted: 01 Dec, '22 Comments: 2

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