Blueprint Category filter should show nesting of category in results list

3 votes

If a Category has nested levels, if we search for that Category name, we would like all values underneath that Parent to be presented. Conversely, if we search and find a sub-category, then we would like to see the Parent name of that sub-category on the results list. This would help users to know they are selecting the correct blueprint tagging e,g;

We have Programme ABC, with child 123 and also child 456
We have Programme DEF, with child 456 and also child 789

If we search for ABC, then we just get ABC back, we don't know that there are also children associated with that, which in all likelihood should probably be tagged also. Users wont be familiar enough with the data to know they should look for children, so the system should make it obvious.
If we search for 456, we just get two 456 options presented in the search results, we don't know what they belong to, without clicking into each option.Short example but in practice we could have many similarly named child categories.Thanks

Working on it risr/assess Suggested by: Louise Ryan Upvoted: 07 Dec, '22 Comments: 1

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