Implement a shared file/document repository

3 votes

At the moment any file or document you link to in an event has to be hosted externally, which requires appropriate access to a file server, repository or CMS. In some cases it would be simpler and more convenient to be able to store such files/documents within Kaizen - similar to how an individual user can upload store documents - and simply link to them within an event by name. Even better would be the ability to display such linked documents - and I'm thinking PDFs here in particular - inline. That could reduce the need to rely on Kaizen's limited text editing tools for displaying content and potentially allow content to be updated without having to republish an event (assuming you were able to simply replace/update an existing file in the shared repository).

Gathering Interest risr/advance Suggested by: Terry Judd Upvoted: 02 Aug, '23 Comments: 0

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