OSCER reporting: exporting the section titles with the marksheet

9 votes

We need to be able to export the marks from our OSCER examinations to send off to ACER for analysis. To allow ACER to complete their analysis, they require the section titles of the marksheet to be included in the data that is exported.

For example, if a particular case is marked out of 10, we need to know the score for question 1 (marked, say out of 3), the score for question 2 (marked out of 4) and the score for question 3 (marked out of 3). The reason is that each question is mapped to different domains. We need to be able to see how a candidate goes across all cases and all stations for every question mapped to ‘observation’ or mapped to ‘pathology’ for instance.

Please refer to RANZCR ticket: PSD-6151

Gathering Interest risr/assess Suggested by: Daisy Upvoted: 12 Oct, '23 Comments: 1

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