Enhanced Time Management functionality

15 votes

Additional system functionality is required to support training programs with requirements related to time to prevent significant manual work-arounds and reduce risk of error.
There are challenges with tracking the assumed time vs signed-off accrued time for set time periods of the training program and gaps in reporting to allow for monitoring of time requirements.

Risr/Advance Requirements:
- System has ability to calculate accrued training time to compare to the requirements. (eg. # weeks of training x (F.T.E) - #days/weeks leave taken= accrued training time.
- End user access to the JSON reports to amend column names rather than relying on the Risr/Advance developers
- Identifying gaps in reporting of time.

Additional specific information and examples are available.

Gathering Interest risr/advance Suggested by: Megan Meek Upvoted: 26 Mar Comments: 0

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