Problem Discovery: Logbook enhancement to needed to reduce time to record cases and procedures

16 votes

Trainees have noted the process to complete logbook entries for cases and procedures takes too long, especially compared to other products on the market. This is showing up in Task success and ePortfolio satisfaction metrics we are tracking. 1 entry can take some trainees 5 minutes. To log every case would take hours each week. As a result, trainees are only submitting the bare-minimum logbook entries for volume of practice and sometimes using an external product for others. They then don't have an accurate record of their training.
1 example of feedback in screenshot below- but this is a common theme.
Being able to duplicate then edit logbook entries might help. But problem discovery is needed.

Gathering Interest risr/advance Suggested by: Megan Upvoted: 26 Mar Comments: 0

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